Hi Turquoise Class!
Here is our timetable for our remote learning today Thursday 14th January 2021.
Please make sure you have a pencil and paper ready for each LIVE lesson.
Please do not log into the google meet early as this will effect the admin rights, Thank you.
9:15am Registration/Early Work– google meet nickname: cypturq
9:25am Activity 1: Literacy – non chronological report LIVE Lesson – please stay logged in on our registration google meet. Here is a word bank to help you when you come to write your report after the LIVE Lesson.
Click here to watch our live lesson on how to write a non-chronological report about your chosen reptile.
Activity 2– (10.10am) Handwriting activity. Click here to practice letter formation for ‘a’ and ‘g’ as well as words with suffix -ing.
11am Activity 3: Maths – money. Please click here to watch a video of Miss Weham taking you through your learning.
After watching the video, please complete the activities.
Activity 4: (1.00pm) PE – Joe Wicks work out.
1:15pm Activity 5- Reading:– Use this time to access Bug Club/Numbots.
2:15pm – Storytime or shared learning – Here we might share a piece of learning we have enjoyed from our day or have a story.
Look forward to seeing you all on our google meet today.
If you ever miss any of our LIVE lessons or want to watch again I will post the links next to each activity after the session.
Remember check back on our blog every morning to see your timetable of learning activities for the day.
And don’t forget to post your amazing work on the blog! I’d love to see all your hard work!
See you all soon!
Mrs Guerry