Sorry its late but here’s a few things Ivy got up to
Cream Sprinkles – Ivys own invention of Squirty Cream, Marshmallows, grated chocolate and sprinkles!
Making Roman Bread with her brother
Snow Volcano’s
Sorry its late but here’s a few things Ivy got up to
Cream Sprinkles – Ivys own invention of Squirty Cream, Marshmallows, grated chocolate and sprinkles!
Making Roman Bread with her brother
Snow Volcano’s
Ivy didn’t have any kidney beans but found a few other seeds to experiment with; Cress, tomato and garden peas
Hi Turquoise Class!
Here is our timetable for our remote learning today Tuesday 23rd February 2021.
Please make sure you have a pencil and paper ready for each LIVE lesson.
Please do not log into the google meet early as this will effect the admin rights. Thank you.
9:15am Registration/Early Work– google meet nickname: cypturq
9:25am Activity 1:Spelling LIVE Lesson – please stay logged in on our registration google meet.
If you wish to watch our LIVE spelling again please click on the video.
10.10am Activity 2: Kindness task-
Draw or create a picture to display in your window. What might make someone walking along smile when they see your picture?
Think about including a nice message to cheer someone up 🙂
11.00am Activity 3: Literacy. Click_Here to watch the video where Mrs Guerry talks you through expanded noun phrases! You can have a look at her step-by-step pictures to help you with your drawing and use this word-mat to assist you with your expanded noun phrases.
1.00pm Activity 4: Maths- Understanding the properties of 2D shapes. Click here to see Miss Wenham take you through your learning.
1.45pm Activity 5: Bug Club/Numbots. Please use this time to access Bug Club/Numbots.
2:15pm – Google Meet- Show and Tell and Shared story.
Look forward to seeing you all on our google meet today.
If you ever miss any of our LIVE lessons or want to watch again I will post the links next to each activity after the session.
Remember check back on our blog every morning to see your timetable of learning activities for the day.
And don’t forget to post your amazing work on the blog! I’d love to see all your hard work!
See you all soon!
Mrs Guerry
Some of Samuel work from today and some Tudor homework from half term.
Science pshe early morning task and spelling
Hi Turquoise Class!
I hope you had a lovely half term!
Here is our timetable for our remote learning today Monday 22nd February 2021.
Please make sure you have a pencil and paper ready for each LIVE lesson.
Please do not log into the google meet early as this will effect the admin rights, Thank you.
9:15am Registration/Early Work– google meet nickname: cypturq
9:25am Activity 1:Spelling LIVE Lesson – please stay logged in on our registration google meet.
Here is the link to the video we will be watching within our spelling lesson. If you miss the session/we can’t watch it in our live lesson, click the link here to watch it:click here
Click on the video to watch out LIVE spelling from this morning:
10.10am Activity 2: PSHE- click here to access your task for today all about expressing ourselves and our feelings! Enjoy
11.00am Assembly nickname: cypassembly1
1.00pm Activity 4: Maths- Understanding the properties of 2D shapes.
Click here to watch a video and complete the quiz on BBC Bitesize!
Click here to access your 2D shape hunt!
1.30pm Activity 4: Science- Click here to access today’s science activity. Today we will be starting a new topic and learning all about plants.
1.45pm Activity 5: Bug Club/Numbots. Please use this time to access Bug Club/Numbots.
2:15pm – Google Meet- Shared story.
Look forward to seeing you all on our google meet today.
If you ever miss any of our LIVE lessons or want to watch again I will post the links next to each activity after the session.
Remember check back on our blog every morning to see your timetable of learning activities for the day.
And don’t forget to post your amazing work on the blog! I’d love to see all your hard work!
See you all soon!
Mrs Guerry